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Hyundai G.F. Holdings

Hyundai G.F. Holdings generates the future of Hyundai Department Store Group.

Credit Ratings

Credit ratings by three agencies : Korea Investors Service, Korea Ratings, NICE Investors Service

CP Ratings
Ratings Definition

CP Ratings Definition

CP Ratings Definition table
Rating Definition
A1 Highest likelihood of timely repayment.
A2 High likelihood of timely repayment. The likelihood may, nevertheless, be slightly lower than is the case for the highest rating category (A1).
A3 Moderate likelihood of timely repayment, but this likelihood may be subject to short-term changes in circumstances.
B Some uncertainty over the likelihood of timely repayment and is considered speculative.
C Questionable likelihood of timely repayment and very high risk of default.
D Default
  • * ‘+' or '-' modifier can be attached to ratings through A2 to B to differentiate ratings within broad rating categories.
CP Ratings table
Date Korea
2022.12 A1 - A1
2023.03 A1 - -
2023.06 A1 - A1
2023.12 A1 - A1
Short Term Bond Ratings
Ratings Definition

Short Term Bond Ratings Definition

Short Term Bond Ratings Definition table
Rating Definition
A1 Highest likelihood of timely repayment.
A2 High likelihood of timely repayment. The likelihood may, nevertheless, be slightly lower than is the case for the highest rating category (A1).
A3 Moderate likelihood of timely repayment, but this likelihood may be subject to short-term changes in circumstances.
B Some uncertainty over the likelihood of timely repayment and is considered speculative.
C Questionable likelihood of timely repayment and very high risk of default.
D Default
  • * ‘+' or '-' modifier can be attached to ratings through A2 to B to differentiate ratings within broad rating categories.
Short Term Bond Ratings table
Date Korea
2022.12 A1 - A1
2023.03 A1 - -
2023.06 A1 - A1
2023.12 A1 - A1
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